You may want to find out how your business is doing about your competitors. Information has little value without a benchmark. Compare the reviews or poll results with another business’s product or service.Word clouds can help you highlight the main topics in these reviews and present them as key takeaways. Yet, the content is often unstructured and densely packed into paragraphs. Online reviews are a great source of information for businesses. Abstract the main topics from online customer reviews.You need to summarize the main points and present them in a visually pleasing way.
Yet, responses to these questions are going to be unorthodox. Usually, surveys and polls will have one or many open-ended questions at the end. Word clouds are used in business presentations for a variety of reasons. The site user can easily see which products are the most popular based on the frequency of the words used. Some review sites, for example, use word clouds to create infographics that display a list of recommended products. Many websites show word clouds to promote their services. It can be used to show the most prominent words in a text, the theme of a document, or the frequency of terms used in a corpus. A word cloud is the most creative way to visualize text data.